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Week 6 Story Laboratory: Writers Write

 Writers Write

For this weeks laboratory, I wanted to continue with tips that will help enhance my writing. For that reason, I decided to pick 'Writers Write' for the chosen activity. My initial thoughts of the website was that it had an overwhelming amount of advice to choose from. I navigated through its tabs and pages and read different articles. Many different writers contributed to the site's variety of tips. Reading through many of these short tidbits of advice were very interesting and I constantly examined how I could apply these tips to my writing in this class.

One of my favorite articles I read was called '10 Editing Error Writers Should Avoid At All Costs'. The title immediately struck my attention and I found a lot of helpful tips. The first piece of advice was not to care so much about "house" styling and grammar. This is referring to how the typical method of writing is perceived. In order to become your own writer with a unique story, you might have to deviate from the standard writing style- and that's ok. Playing around with different punctuation styles and sentence lengths and add a unique aspect to your writing. However, going off that piece of advice is style consistency. Once you choose a style, it is important to stick with it. It can be confusing if you go back and forth between writing types and tenses. It is best to make them consistent so that the story flows. For example, if one character's name is Katherine, but goes by Katie for short, then pick one name and use it throughout the story. Going back and forth could potentially confuse the reader and make them think you are referring to two separate characters. 

I enjoyed reading through the various pieces of advice and have ideas for how I can implement them into my writing. I will continue to refer to this site when I need more advice on how to enhance my writing capabilities. 

[Writing. Image Information.]


Writers Write. Website Link.


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