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Topic Research

 Topic: Elephant Fables

What's the difference between Asian and African elephants? And 8 other  elephant facts | Stories | WWF
[Elephant Family. Image Information]

Story 1: The Elephant has a Bet with the Tiger

This story stood out to me because of the contradictions it makes with present day facts. The elephant and the tiger have a bet that consists of whoever wins-the winner gets to eat the loser. It makes sense that the tiger might want to eat the elephant, but everyone knows that elephants don't eat tigers. However, this story does not address that inconsistency and actually writes as if it were normal. If I were re-telling this story. I would make sure to include the same kind of 'confusing aspect' that might be interesting to readers. 

Story 2: Hare and the Elephants

This story is about a herd of elephants losing their water supply and needing to go to another one. They successfully find a new watering hole, however every time they come to get water they step on and kill some of the hares in the area. The leading hare then converses with the elephant king and the two species are able to avoid future problems. I like this story because it is relatively simple and there are many ways in which I can expand and bring creativity into it. 

Story 3: Why the Elephant has Small Eyes

This story includes a folklore about why the elephants eye's are so small. The elephant in this story was greedy when it came to food, and a tortoise took noticed. When the elephant and the tortoise were together, the elephant wanted some of the food the tortoise was eating, However, the tortoise made the elephant trade his eyes and eventually the only animal to lend the elephant their eyes were worms. This story was fun to read and has a lesson about greed in it. If I were retelling it, I would keep the lesson about greed but change other aspects so it is recreated in a new way.


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