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Feedback Thoughts

9 Ways to Encourage Customers to Give Feedback

 Article 1: Rewire Your Self-Critical Brain

I enjoyed reading this article and wish I had read something similar when I was in high school. Although I am still a hard critic on myself, I used to criticize myself for not reaching perfection and constantly compare myself to others. I like the idea of REBS (reality-based self-congratulation) and how it can be helpful in avoiding harshly self-criticizing. Whether its utilizing this method or another, I think mindset and acknowledgment of failure is very important when it comes to healthy living. 

Article 2: How to Get Past Negativity Bias

Although negativity bias has been useful for biological/survival reasons in the past, it is now leaving people with negative mindsets and outlooks on life. I like how this article talked about the plasticity of the brain, and examples on how to link positive experiences with negative ones. Mindfulness is an important quality when dealing with challenges, and I think it is important for everyone to work on their mindset and focus on the aspects of life you can control. 

Although feedback can be difficult to hear, it is important if we want to improve. However, it is important to listen to all feedback with a grain of salt- because everyone will have different opinions. For example, when I first started on my medical school personal statement, I sent it to numerous people and everyone sent me different things to change about it (a lot of time two people's feedback would directly contrast). Seeing the overwhelming contradictions in people's feedback made me realize that no one has a 'correct' answer but rather what they find preferable. From this, I learned to navigate the different criticisms I had been given until I was left with a statement that reflected who I was. 


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