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Week 2 Story: Dog Fighting

The 'cuddly' rottweilers losing their mean streak | Daily Mail Online 

[Rottweiler. Web Source.]

Story: Dog Fighting

A dog fighting company was known to capture aggressive dogs off the street to protect the public. Once the dogs were captured, they then were placed in fighting arenas. This not only lessened the numbers of aggressive dogs, but also provided endless entertainment to a paying audience. The funds from the fight allowed the business to stay in operation. All of the dogs there were ruthless, destructive creatures that did not care for the lives of humans or other animals. It was not unusual for dogs to only survive through one fight in these rings. 

One day while the company van was patrolling the streets, the came across a stray rottweiler that was growling and chasing after a man. The employees jumped out of the van in order to aid the man, quickly capturing the rottweiler. The dog was then brought to the entertainment site and was scheduled to take place in the fighting that night. Nightfall came and the Rottweiler was put into the ring. Across the ring, there was a vicious golden retriever foaming at the mouth. Both dogs were still leashed, but only moments away from beginning the fight. The countdown began, but suddenly, a girl barged through the doors and started screaming to stop the fight. She told the manager that she had been searching all day for the rottweiler. She explained that although the stray rottweiler was barking and chasing the man, he was only doing so because the man had just broken into their house and had stolen their money. The rottweiler was only trying to help the family by hunting down the criminal. The manager, realizing that the dog was not an aggressive dog, eagerly let the dog go. The girl ended up adopting the stray rottweiler, and went home to a grateful family. 

Author's Note

The source story is Androcles and the Lion. The original story takes place in the times of a Roman Era where slaves were thrown to lions as entertainment for the public. In that story, the slave and the lion were released due to their friendship and respect. This is where I got the inspiration for my story. Although my story has one main character, the rottweiler, instead of two, the moral remains the same. I wanted to make this story applicable in a more modern sense while also keeping the full story of the rottweiler hidden in order to present more of a twist. I hope you enjoyed reading!


"Androcles and the Lion" by Joseph Jacobs. From Aesop's Fables: The Lion. Web Source.


  1. Hi Katie,

    I really enjoyed your story! What I especially liked was how you were able to make your own spin off of Androcles and the Lion and turn it into a modern day story. That takes real talent!

    I love how you kept the moral of the story the same and wrote it in a way that we can all relate to! I am looking forward to reading more of your stories!


  2. Hello, I really enjoyed your modern spin on this story. This was a very creative story! Dog fighting is probably as popular as the slaves and lions thrown into an arena was in the Roman Era. It is crazy to me that some people enjoy this kind of entertainment.


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